Full Moon - Completion - Scotland Said No

Full Moon over Monkey Bridge

This week I've had little plans with what I am going to create as I am waiting upon more supplies to arrive for my next project (Christmas). I didn't want to make any precise decisions as to what I am going to make for the Pop up shop, until I have all my fabrics together. So I have just gone with the flow. and without realising it, I have followed the spirit of the moon cycle, and have completed a couple of old projects. The Full Moon tonight, is called the Hunters Moon, or Harvest Moon, when our ancestors would gather together all their food for the coming winter months. Today was the Harvest assembly at Mias school too, I sang a song which I haven't sang since I was at primary school myself called 'Autumn Days' and we did a more current one to a Samba beat which tickled me.
Anyway, 'Completion', the Full Moon is about completing things and I did. I needed to get some projects out of my head, and out of my space (to make room for new arrivals (of fabric).
Firstly, some storage hangers, which I started, probably last year. I had them cut out but not sewn or design finalised. Being resourceful and creative, I realised that these particular fabrics, look quite Christmassy (but don't have to be), and could be used to store your Christmas present wrapping stuff. Personally, for me and my small space living, it will be nice to have one of these storage hangers looking festive and tidy in my dining/sewing/computer room. I have made two, and one of them I am going to give away as a prize for a November competition, woooooooo. Still to decide on what this will be.
Seasonal Storage Hangers
Please excuse this poor quality photo, indoor photo shoots are something I need to work on for the coming darker months, but you get the idea. On the back is a pole shaped pouch to store a roll of wrapping paper. Also I thought these could be used for knitters. the pouch could be for your needles, front pockets for your wool and pattern. 
I am not too impressed with my moon photo either, but they never come out as good as what you see with the naked eye. With the naked eye I can just lose myself in the energy of the Moon, but in the picture, you can see what I have on the roof of my boat (which to be fair I am quite proud of my new matching mop and bucket!).

Another thing that happened this week was a bit of a coincidence (for me). On my time line came some photos of a Warriors Call water / anti fracking ceremony I attended 3 years ago at Avebury. Warriors Call is the name of a group of collectives that are Pagans against fracking. This was the same day that Scotland have announced they are banning Fracking (yay, result, awesome, and so they should!!) AND, AND, the other project I was finishing,  features the Warriors Call Sigil (a symbol of Pagans against Fracking - which many Fracktivists have now actually had tattooed on their bodies as a mark of commitment. A while ago I made myself an 'Activist Skirt' and thought that other may like this too, so I started to make to more (made from unwanted jeans). The one I finished this week, I will be auctioning for the movement, to help pay for fines for those that have been arrested. I often feel that I want to do more for the cause, but cant due to my family commitments. I have been to a few demos, visited camps, done a small amount of front line work, took camps supplies, donated money, spend time each day as a keyboard warrior, made banners for groups (for free), but this is another thing I can do to make up for the fact I am not there in person.
 So hopefully, someone will love this skirt (unfortunately its a size 10 as thats what size the jeans were), wear it with pride, and I will have given my time and resources up for a great cause. We still have a fight on our hands in England, our government need to hear the people. #WeSaidNo .
Warriors Call Water Blessing Oct 2014 - Avebury
Warriors Call Sigil

Back view with Ying Yang
The skirt has a front and back zip, so you can have the split either way. The front has the Warriors Call Sigil and an Annonymous badge (removable) and the back has a ying yang patch on it. Everything, including the zips, is upcycled, apart from the thread and the badges. And it has been mad off grid by solar power.
I have been out to see the wonderous moon this evening, and got some inspiration for this blog from it. I feel the closesness to my brother who will be sleeping to my East tonight (he leaves the UK to return to Australia in a few days), I relish the closeness to him this evening. I look North, where my parent are snuggled up in their home, probably missing my brother, as today they have said goodbye to him, I look South, to Southampton and the coast, where I have many memories of mixed emotions, then I look West, down the canal, where many of my fellow boat dwellers will be sat by their fires as the nights are now colder.
And finally, I think of those, protecting our land, especially those at PNR, Kirby Misperton, Grow Heathrow and Colne, you are modern day heros, stay warm and stay strong, you are loved by many x


  1. We at Frack Free Yeovil will be hanging the banners you made us high on Saturday at the Reggae and Dub sound system skankathon

  2. Cool, sorry I wont be there. Have a great night x

  3. Really enjoyed your blog, my favourite time of year @emotive@profound@cosy@unwinding@hibernation

    1. Thank you very much, Im glad you resonated with it
