Vintage & reclaimed notions

For those of you that don't know what 'notions' are...
Notions is a term used in the textile industry for smaller items used for making products.
In this case I am talking about, zips, buttons, ribbons etc, but it also includes (which I have just found out myself) small tools like a seam ripper.

Today I received a package of pure vintage goodies from my 'secret' supplier. It is all very random how my sourcing is done. One of my main sources is a good friend of mine that is active on the vintage scene. Sometimes she will give me bags of fabrics, which really inspires me. I work in a very organic way, whatever comes my way, I will work with it. I make clothes bags, cushion covers, storage hangers, anything goes really, although I am limited with space on my boat, so smaller items are better. I find charity shops a good source for notions too, and antique shops will often have an old sewing box, full of delights. As I am getting more well known in my local area, people will often give me a tin or box of sewing goodies from a relative that may have passed away. As a little girl one of my favourite things for entertainment, was going through 'grandmas' sewing box, it always appealed to my imagination.
Who knows what I will do with this little bag of goodies. Vintage zips are always a good resource so I can be authentic when I say something is made purely of vintage materials.
The downside of the 60s and 70s fabrics is that most of the are man made synthetics, which is not good for the environment. However, by re-using them and making good items that will last, means that at least they are not going into landfill. If I make items other than clothes, then at least they don't need washing and the fibres aren't going into the ocean. So any clothes I make, I recommend that they are washed irregularly.
But is this sustainable? I hear you cry. Surely at some stage you will run out of cloth from these eras. Well, then it will be 80s fabrics, which actually is probably classed as vintage now eek! An like I said my business is organic, and I go with the flow. I also use remnants and bizarre things like upholstery samples, so their will always be something for me to upcycle.

Now, I wonder what I will do with them over sized buttons???

Update Feb 2022
I have a new supplier for my notions, my good friend and soon to be business partner has an expansive range of old, and reclaimed buttons, zips and other delights, so much so, he has started an online shop to sell them. Please check out Button


  1. Well i for one am very inspired by your commitment, down to the zip, to low impact design. I did once think about making snuggly blankets from those fleecy jumpers, but the realization of the damage when you wash them made me stop. You have found a way and its really good xx

  2. This reminds me of my grandmas sewing box, and button jar, nothing was every thrown away, everything was salvaged from the clothing that where about to go to the rag and bone man, (I don't mean the artist that sang Human). She would have chuckled at the thought that her generation were at the forefront of recycling.

    1. Absolutely, and people will potentially have to return to this way of life in future generations, as resources could become more valuable, once climate change kicks. As a child I always loved, looking through my grandmas sewing box, I found it inspiring, even as a small child. sometimes, if your lucky, you may find them in an antique or charity shop.

  3. I love re-purposing anything. I found some of my Nan's rick rack recently and used it on my market table cloth.

    1. I love rick rack, there is something so sentimental about it

  4. love rick rack too, used to love trimming my dresses back in sixties, then on my daughters and her dolly clothes. Don't have any haberdashery or sewing shops near me now, but just been on a well known online retailer., wow @rickrackheaven
